Plan Your First-ever Family Ski Trip Using This Guide

man and kid walking on ski area

For people who are opting for a heart-healthy workout while having fun, skiing is the perfect exercise for you. This sport and exercise is not just an exhilarating activity, but it also offers amazing health benefits. This includes burning calories, improving flexibility, engaging core muscles, strengthening lower body muscles, and boosting mood.

And what better way to experience all the fun and health benefits than to spend the ski trip with your family. Not only do you get to have a full-body workout with your loved ones, but you can also have the chance to have a memorable family time. You’ll find below some practical tips to help you plan for a fantastic ski trip with the family.

Pick the resort carefully

Firstly, you need to find the best ski resort for the trip. If you and your family are trying the sport for the first time, it’s advisable to visit a small resort with much lower rates and fewer people. On the other hand, you can go to a resort with a ski school drop-off and beginner hills and terrains if your kids or younger siblings are new to it but you’re already an experienced skier. Other important things to take into account are the distance of the resort from your home and the skiing spot itself.

Choose the right timing

As much as possible, you’d want to go to a ski resort when there are fewer guests. Not only you won’t be able to plow over someone on the slopes, but the lines for the lists will also be shorter. Sure, going on a ski trip during holidays and long weekends seems to be the most exciting and convenient time to go. But if you want to take advantage of cheaper rates and bearable traffic, midweek is an ideal time for a family ski trip. Also, depending on your location, spring break is good timing for a ski trip, especially if your area has serious mountains that still have snow.

snowy mountain

Book a spot in ski school

If you are planning to take the little ones with you, it’s best to put them into ski school first. Most ski resorts already offer this with tons of activities and terrain adventure to make your kids’ ski lessons more fun. Typically, you can avail of a discount if you sign up your kids for multi-day lessons. You’d also want to consider booking for a full-day ski class for a better teaching pace. This gives your kids more chances and time to explore and practice.

Moreover, make sure to reserve spots for your kids in the ski school in advance. Spots can sell out quickly during peak seasons, so the earlier the better. Before your book the spots, don’t forget to also ask about other important details such as the needed outfit, waivers, meals, and times for drop-off and pickup.

Get ski gear and wear it in advance

Ski gear and clothing are often available for rent in some ski resorts. Others also have rental packages for an affordable rate that you can purchase with the lift tickets. If you’re opting to make this trip a hassle-free vacation for the family, it’s best to get the gear and clothing in advance. Some equipment preferable to rent are your helmets, boots, skis, and poles.

As for the clothing, you can certainly find some cheap deals at second-hand shops. However, if you want something more durable and can last long, it’s best to get your ski wear from quality brands such as high-performance Arc’teryx atom vests and pants. Other clothing items you’ll need include warm socks, ski goggles, gloves or mittens, hand and feet warmers, and ski masks.

Find a family-friendly lodging

No matter if you choose to stay in the resort’s lodging or on a nearby catered chalet or hotel, it’s important to find one that is family-friendly. Apart from its closeness to the skiing spot, you’d want to stay in a place with interconnecting or big rooms and spots where the children can play around. A place with a pool would be amazing! If you’re willing to shell out extra money, staying in a ski-in ski-out lodge or hotel is the best option. However, if you want to save some cash but still be able to prepare your food, you can select a slopeside condo.

No matter if you’re a regular skier or it’s your family’s first time on the slopes, going on a ski trip is definitely worth all the planning effort. You get to create unique shared experiences, enjoy the adventurous outdoors, and of course, learn new sports skills that everyone in the family can benefit from.


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